Neuroplasticity refers to our brain’s ability to adapt to diverse activities and stimuli, including lifelong learning. Thanks to advancements in imaging technology like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), we can observe how our brains develop and transform in response to our experiences.
MRI scans have demonstrated that certain brain regions develop when repeatedly performing specific activities, such as creating a new habit. They can see how different areas of our brains, which govern certain tasks, are activated when we perform specific activities repeatedly, such as the hippocampus, which is responsible for memory and learning.
But why is neuroplasticity important? And how does it relate to lifelong learning? This post will discuss both terms and their importance in an evolving world, based on an article by Chen and Goodwill (2022) titled “Neuroplasticity and Adult Learning.”
What is neuroplasticity?
Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to be malleable and change throughout our lives. Unfortunately, while we tend to focus on positive neurodevelopment, it can also be negative, which is known as maladaptive neuroplasticity. Ideally, our brains should evolve and change to support optimal cognitive functioning. Chronic stress, however, can affect our memory and mental capacity.
Interestingly, neuroplasticity can be measured by looking at the density of grey matter in our brains, which comprises neurons. The white matter in our brains, which makes up the connections between neurons, is also measured. We can see how neuroplastic our brains are by measuring the activation of some regions of our brains while resting or performing specific tasks, as mentioned above.
Specifically, neuroplasticity refers to any changes in neuron structure, neural connections, or new neural growth (neurogenesis) and neurotransmitter adaptations. Strengthening connections and stabilising neural activity are essential, known as Hebbian and homeostatic plasticity, respectively. Neuroplasticity means that neurons in our brains can connect in new ways, helping us unlearn old perspectives and habits and learn improved outlooks and behaviours.
What is lifelong learning?
Lifelong learning is not just a mindset. It’s a powerful tool that sees life as an opportunity for continuous growth. In the past, we might have believed that we could earn a qualification and never have to study again. But in our changing world, constant shifting and adapting are necessary in our personal and professional lives.
From a neuroscientific perspective, lifelong learning isn’t just about adapting to changes; it’s also essential for our physiological wellbeing. We need to continue learning, in whatever form it takes, to keep our brains healthy. To do so, we must look after our physical and mental health.
Research indicates that cognitive decline is not linear, meaning we can take charge and “build” our brains for optimal mental functioning. In scientific terms, this “cognitive scaffolding” involves building supportive neural structures to improve cognitive function. This process is essential during early childhood development but equally crucial during adulthood.
Therefore, if we focus on finding ways to develop our brains constructively, we can not only prevent cognitive decline but also ensure a positive experience of life as we enter advanced adulthood.
How do neuroplasticity and lifelong learning work together?
We’ve discussed neuroplasticity and lifelong learning separately, but how do they work together? The truth is that they go hand in hand. Adults learn differently from children and adolescents. Our level of prior learning shapes how we take in and apply new information and skills. As research by Malcolm Knowles suggests, this adult learning process is different from childhood learning for various reasons.
According to research into adult education, many aspects influence the adult learning process, including:
- self-concept and awareness
- experience (prior knowledge)
- readiness to learn (need-to-know)
- orientation to learning (practical use)
- intrinsic motivation to learn
Experience and prior knowledge, in particular, are important aspects of adult education. In the case of metacognition, for example, adults are at an advantage because this skill, which is awareness of one’s thought processes, can help one learn and apply new information more systematically.
However, prior learning can sometimes be limiting, for example, when it comes to inflexible thinking and selective attention. As adults have many years of entrenched neural pathway development, social values and beliefs are entrenched in our neural circuitry, so shifting and changing these belief patterns can be difficult. Therefore, as adults, we often need to unlearn perspectives and behaviours. This process of “unlearning” ensures that our brains adapt while we acquire new relevant skills and “rewire” unhelpful beliefs and attitudes. It’s a challenging process, but it keeps us engaged and constantly evolving.
While neuroplasticity is more prominent during childhood, it is still possible throughout the lifespan; it only requires effort. As the adult brain ages, we need more neural resources to perform specific tasks. Therefore, learning is still possible as an adult and is necessary to maintain a healthy brain. What is key to bringing about changes in our brain? Trying out new things and then practice, practice, practice!
How to enhance neuroplasticity
As adults, taking care of our mental and physical health is essential. Chen and Goodwill discuss research that shows how various activities and aspects can help to maintain optimal cognitive functioning. These aspects include the following:
- Continued education: By deciding to learn, you will naturally build your grey matter by acquiring new skills.
- Social engagement and sociocultural knowledge: Socialising and fulfilling relationships are essential to our overall health and wellbeing and strengthen our brains.
- Cognitive stimulation: As we age, we must continue to build our mental capacity to stay relevant and prevent disease and poor cognitive functioning.
- Physical activity: Physical activity strengthens not only your physical ability but also your mental ability.
- Diet: Diet links to all aspects of our health, including mental and physiological brain health.
- Stress: As mentioned above, stress can negatively affect our cognitive functioning, which makes it critical to learn how to manage it.
- Sleep: When we sleep, our brains strengthen and “prune” synapses (neural connections), meaning that this type of rest is vital for effective brain function.
These aspects can help one concentrate on positive neuroplasticity by modifying one’s social and learning environment and reducing negative and chronic stress. In the next section, we’ll discuss how you can build these aspects into your life by taking short online courses at SACAP Global.
Start your lifelong learning journey at SACAP Global
If you’re looking to improve your brain’s neuroplastic ability and take care of your brain as you get older, continued education or lifelong learning is one of the many ways to train your grey matter for optimal cognitive performance, even as you age.
We recommend courses such as Intro to Human Behaviour, Effective Interpersonal Communication, Social Influences on Human Behaviour and Building Strong Relationships to enhance social engagement and sociocultural knowledge.
To ensure that we address aspects like physical activity, diet, stress and sleep, we recommend courses such as Holistic Approach to Managing Depression, Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness, Enhancing Mental Health and Managing and Preventing Anxiety.
Participating in any of our online courses will provide you with the necessary cognitive stimulation. However, Developing a Growth Mindset, in particular, can help kickstart your journey and help you rethink what is possible when it comes to expanding your neural matter and outlook on life.
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Building Strong Relationships
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Enhancing Mental Health
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Managing & Preventing Anxiety
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Developing a Growth Mindset
Learn how to manage your internal world. Go on an introspective journey and maximise your potential.