Browse short courses & workshops

Coaching Skills for Managers
Coaching is a meaningful way to ignite the best within individuals. Learn how to unlock potential and empower others.

Intro to Consumer Behaviour & Psychology
Investigate the underlying motives, cognitive processes and emotional factors that drive consumer behaviour.

Sports Psychology
Explore the roles that motivation, self-confidence, self-talk, emotional control and concentration play in sports performance.

Essential Entrepreneurial Skills
Discover how to generate business ideas, develop a business model and create a business plan.

Enhancing Mental Health
Learn about mental health and how to enhance it. Explore mental health in a personal, community and workplace context.

Intro to Couple Counselling
Deepen your understanding of couple dynamics through the latest counselling methodologies.

Managing & Preventing Anxiety
Build practical tools and knowledge to effectively address and manage anxiety.

Intro to Coaching
Explore key aspects of coaching and how it can support personal and professional development.

Developing a Growth Mindset
Learn how to manage your internal world. Go on an introspective journey and maximise your potential.

Building Strong Relationships
Deepen your understanding of love, relationships and marriage. Learn how to cultivate and grow healthy relationships.

Holistic Approach to Managing Depression
Explore the intricate landscape of depression and learn how to effectively address and manage depression.

The Psychology of Human Sexuality
Examine the presence of sexology in overlapping academic fields: biology, medicine, psychology, sociology and criminology.

How to Have Critical Conversations
Learn how to have difficult conversations in a personal and professional setting. Gain practical skills to have critical conversations.