Applied Psychology

What is the Future of Work Exactly?

Feb 16, 2023 | By Jenna van Schoor
Reading time: 4 min

The future of work is a popular topic. In recent years, the pandemic has forced us to engage with technology differently and think about what the future workplace holds. However, while this term is used a lot, what does it actually mean?

In this post, we’ll discuss what the future of work means and some of the latest trends. Explore the core skills you’ll need to make sure you and your business can adapt to changes in the years ahead.

What is the future of work?

The future of work is a term that is used to describe how work is changing. This can refer to the role of technology, changing skill sets and careers that are happening because of shifting needs in society.

A Deloitte Insights report divides thinking about this topic into three categories. These include:

  1. Changes to the work being done
  2. Who is doing the work
  3. Where the work takes place

The term “work” is very broad and can refer to anything from working behind a desk, teaching, growing food and finding sustainable ways to use natural resources. In other words, different industries might face different challenges in the years ahead.

However, if we use Deloitte’s framework, we can start to think about some common themes. This includes how technology is leading to more automation. Additionally, how this is going to affect certain industries as we enter the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). Overall, we need to think about how we are going to adapt to changing needs in the marketplace.

The recent pandemic has forced us to evolve and pivot in many ways. Many of us have had to adapt to a hybrid working model, or have been working remotely. We’ve also needed to improve our digital skills to communicate with our colleagues during extended lockdowns. 

Even though we might be getting out and about a lot more these days, there’s no doubt that certain ways of doing things have changed forever. With that in mind, here are some of the latest trends in upskilling according to a Forbes article:

  1. People are not feeling confident about their skillset. According to research, a large percentage of people don’t feel like they have the necessary skills to adapt. This means that there is a gap in how companies and employers are approaching skills development in the workplace.
  2. There’s a need for continuous development. While organisations are looking to hire more skilled people, research suggests that employees are also valuing development opportunities more. In fact, surveys show that people will look for a job elsewhere if they don’t see enough room for growth. This is particularly relevant for the younger generations entering the workforce.
  3. Available opportunities for upskilling. As the above trends suggest, there is a move towards integrating lifelong learning into a company’s culture. Therefore, upskilling for the future does not have to be something that is done on the side but can form an integral part of work itself.

Core skills needed for the future workplace

At SACAP Global, our specialised short courses are centred around the need to upskill in key areas, with a focus on Applied Psychology. Our goal is to equip managers, leaders, counsellors and mental health professionals with the tools to thrive in a changing workplace. In a previous blog post, we covered some of the critical skills that employers are looking for.

However, as the nature of work, and its future, is dynamic, these key areas are also subject to change. According to the Forbes article quoted above, some additions to the skills that people need to develop for the workplace of the future include the following:

  • Leadership
  • Collaboration
  • Critical thinking
  • Assertiveness
  • Agility and adaptability
  • Empathy

These skills can all be learnt and developed through consistent training and access to resources, which have become much more accessible thanks to extensive growth in the online education industry.

Upskill for the future of work with SACAP Global

When we consider how work, the workforce, and workplaces are shifting, we can start to identify opportunities for growth and learning. At SACAP Global, we offer a variety of short online courses and micro-credentials that can help you grow your career and thrive in a constantly evolving workplace. 

From learning in key areas such as Applied Psychology, Management and Leadership and Human Resource Management, we also offer micro courses in relevant topics such as how to deal with trauma and crises. 

Our approach is to offer lifelong learning in an accessible format, which anyone can incorporate into their schedule. When looking to learn skills like collaboration, critical thinking, adaptability and empathy, our courses will provide you with the tools to expand your skill set in an engaging online environment. 

Browse our list of courses to find out more, or contact us directly if you have any questions.

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