Applied Psychology

What our learners have to say about SACAP Global – Teagan Rutherford

Nov 02, 2023 | By Venessa Dace
Reading time: 4 min

“My academic journey has been a yoyo rollercoaster ride,” 23-year-old Teagan Rutherford from Johannesburg concedes. Teagan is studying for her Bachelor of Social Science Honours in Psychology through SACAP. She is also registered with SACAP Global and has already completed two micro-credentials that she hopes will inform her psychology journey.

We’re curious. Why did she choose to upskill with online micro-credentials in addition to her current studies? How does she hope they will enhance her career expertise? So, we asked her. This is what she has to say…

Take two

“I would love to say school was a breeze and I enjoyed every moment,” Teagan continues. “But I felt like a fish trying to climb a tree! I battled with most things, and I was always at extra lessons.”

Hard work in grade 11 paid dividends Teagan recalls. “I tried my utmost and that was by far the best academic period for me in high school. My matric year was chaotic, however, and I eventually just wanted to pass and move on. Unfortunately, you could see this in my results. I applied to study for an undergraduate degree at SACAP, but was rejected.”

Consequently, Teagan enrolled for her undergrad at another institution. “I worked really hard!” she exclaims. “I applied at SACAP thereafter and I am so honoured to finally be studying at the institution. It feels like I’ve been given a second chance.”

Quenching a curiosity

Teagan began studying for her honours degree online through SACAP at the beginning of 2023. Halfway through her studies she registered for two online courses, with SACAP Global.

“At the start of my psychology pursuit I wasn’t sure what type of psychologist I wanted to be in the future,” she recalls. “I have always been interested in PTSD and trauma, though.”

Two micro-credential courses, Intro to Crisis and Trauma and Symptoms of Crisis and Trauma, really peeked Teagan’s interest, she says. “I wanted to learn more about them just to see if I would enjoy them. And I did. I got so invested that I almost completed the Introduction to Crisis and Trauma on the first day.”

Smooth sailing

“I give the courses 10 out of 10!” Teagan asserts. “I enjoyed everything about them. What’s more, I enjoyed studying them close together because as one came to an end, the next had something new to offer. They were very compatible.”

What about the delivery and tuition of these courses? “The online learning platform on the SACAP Global portal is so informative and easy to follow,” Teagan enthuses. “If I had any hiccups, I would simply make a comment directed to the team and they responded by the following day.”

We asked Teagan if it was difficult to fit the short online courses into her honours workload. Not at all, she says. “I chose to complete both courses during my semester break. I was so fascinated by them that I finished them pretty quickly, so the workload never overlapped with my honours studies.”

Dig and delve

Teagan feels the foundational exposure she gained from these courses has helped her solidify the path she wants to forge in psychology. “The micro-credentials introduced me to the world of trauma,” she says. “Something I’ve always been curious about, and really settled my mind in deciding that trauma is an avenue I’d like to explore.”

“What’s more, as a result,” she adds, “I have chosen PTSD and trauma as the top option for my mini thesis, which I’m currently working on for my honours degree.”

Bonus benefits

Beyond providing useful career direction, Teagan says the two micro-credentials have given her valuable takeaways, too. “Learning about wear and tear trauma, which I have never even heard about, for example. Also, appreciating trauma from a social aspect and understanding how different cultures feel about receiving trauma assistance.” Key insights that are informing how she currently deals with people on the daily, she points out.

Does she recommend SACAP Global? “Yes!” Teagan exclaims. “SACAP Global provided me with quick and affordable upskilling courses that taught me new terms and insights that I will be able to use on my own career journey.”

Master plan

“During my high school years when I struggled a lot, I read a quote that said, ‘be who you needed when you were younger’. It set the psychology wheels in motion for me,” Teagan says. “I just wished I had someone to talk to that wasn’t a friend, family member or teacher. Now I am passionate about being that person for a child someday.”

“I don’t just want to be a regular psychologist following one path,” she concludes. I hope to be a clinical psychologist working in the field of PTSD and trauma, mostly in children, and hopefully in Australia where I’m planning to immigrate.”

Fortunately, both SACAP and SACAP Global meet the best practice standards of quality and excellence in their relevant fields both locally and internationally.[KW1]  The institution is fully accredited by the British Accreditation Council (BAC).

Whether you’re a curious student or a qualified professional, SACAP Global offers a range of micro-credentials that will enhance your expertise and ultimately your career. Want to upskill? What are you waiting for? It’s easy and convenient. Simply start here.

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