Applied Psychology

What is Genetic Psychology?

Feb 04, 2025 | By Jenna van Schoor
Reading time: 5 min
Young professional specialising in genetic psychology

Genetic psychology explores how our genetic makeup, or DNA, can influence our thoughts, behaviour, emotions, and overall mental health. Genetics is a complex field, but understanding our genes can help us become more aware of how these basic elements of our cells affect our lives and wellbeing.

For example, genetic psychologists look at patterns, experiences, and information passed down through generations and how these can manifest in different ways, such as illness. Overall, this field of expertise studies how our genes determine our physical traits, as well as our psychological traits and associated experiences. Overall, it represents the study of nature versus nurture and which elements of our lives we can control and those we can’t.

In this post, we’ll discuss genes, the study of epigenetics, and why genetic psychology is valuable. We’ll also share more information about an online workshop offered by SACAP Global that will help you learn more about this topic and apply it effectively in your life and career.

What are genes?

To take a step back, what exactly are genes? Genes are physical components of the double-helix-shaped DNA molecules that form part of our cells. In other words, genes make up our DNA and, through chemistry, work to perform essential functions in our body. Human beings comprise a vast amount of genetic material and can contain up to 25,000 genes, which scientists study through groundbreaking research endeavours like The Human Genome Project. 

The Human Genome Project was a landmark scientific project that lasted for many years. Its goal was to sequence the human genome and the genomes of select other non-human organisms, such as E. coli bacteria and mice. According to research published in BMC Genomics, human and chimpanzee genomes differ by only 2- 4 % – but think of the difference this makes!

This project was instrumental in understanding how DNA works and opened up new ways to study our genes, known as genomics. From this research and other studies, we now know that humans share many of the same genes. However, differences in our genetic makeup influence how we can develop in alternative ways, which is what genetic psychologists are interested in studying.

What is epigenetics?

Epigenetics is the study of how genes express themselves through successive generations. It examines how environmental factors affect gene expression. While we may carry intrinsic qualities within our physical DNA, external factors can influence or encourage specific gene expression. Therefore, our external environment and behaviour can influence certain aspects of our DNA, which means we may have some degree of control over our genetics.

For example, if we have a family history of physical or mental illness, we are likely to be predisposed to experiencing similar illnesses, but they may never manifest through epigenetics. Scientists study how these genes aren’t always “switched on” and the factors that could contribute to this. Studies, for example, show how toxins or diet can affect gene expression. 

Interestingly, intergenerational trauma might also be a factor in epigenetics, which means that traumatic experiences can pass down through generations. As such, some of that we have to deal with in our lives comes from experiences that weren’t our own.

Why is genetic psychology important?

Our genes are intricate biological mechanisms, and while it might take a specialist to understand precisely how they work, a basic understanding of how they might affect our psychology is valuable. By determining whether we have a genetic predisposition to certain conditions, we can develop ways to manage certain physical and mental illnesses before they become debilitating.

Understanding that our genes affect our behaviour can also help us build practical skills to manage our health and lives more effectively. By increasing awareness of our DNA and how environmental and lifestyle factors might affect it, our ancestry doesn’t necessarily need to define our lives. Forewarned is forearmed! By optimising our health and wellbeing, we can create more fulfilling lives and find ways to reach our full potential.

Learn more about genetic psychology at SACAP Global

At SACAP Global, we are committed to empowering our learners with practical tools for navigating the complexities of everyday life. To assist in demonstrating the real-life application of genetic psychology, we have launched an online workshop called Genetic Psychology: A New Approach to Health, Healing & Wellness that aims to train a new generation of psychologists, counsellors, coaches, healers, and healthcare workers to address the needs of the future better. It is also for anyone interested in the topic.

In this workshop, learners will gain insight into the fundamentals of genetics, genetic psychology, and the influence that DNA has on human behaviour. They will also learn how genes work and the power of epigenetics. Overall, this workshop will cover optimising your DNA blueprint for success, identifying your purpose, and playing a role in creating a new future. 

The workshop presenter is Dr Brenda Hattingh, an international executive coach, psychologist, author, and speaker with a diverse clinical, counselling, educational, forensic, industrial, and organisational psychology background. She has years of experience and is passionate about creating a new paradigm for success based on empowering yourself to heal your DNA.

To find out what else we offer, browse our course list to learn more about mental health, interpersonal skills, and specialised psychology focus areas such as trauma.

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